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Marketing Automation Made Easy with Groove.ai

Say Goodbye to Tedious Marketing Tasks. Automate your Marketing with the Power of AI and  Skyrocket your Results! 
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    The Backer Project MindMap

    Video Timestamp, Table of contents:  (These were written by AI) 


    » 00:00:00 - Introduction to the webinar and Mike Filsaime, CEO and Co-founder of Groove.cm

    » 00:02:20 - AI-written introduction and AI voice clone demonstration

    » 00:04:45 - Audience reactions to the AI voice clone

    » 00:07:10 - The impact of AI on productivity and conversions in digital marketing

    » 00:08:20 - Groove.ai's consolidation of AI technologies under one platform

    » 00:09:05 - Exciting giveaways and powerful prompts for AI tools

    History of AI

    » 00:09:18 - Introduction to the impact of AI on various fields, including digital marketing, biology, and world economics.

    » 00:11:04 - AI as a calculator for words, benefiting copywriters and other jobs.

    » 00:12:30 - The founding of OpenAI by Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, and Sam Altman to prevent AI monopolies.

    » 00:14:15 - The rapid democratization of AI and concerns surrounding its unregulated use.

    » 00:15:23 - Google's DeepMind AlphaGo defeating world champion Go player Lee Sedol in 2016.

    » 00:16:03 - Google Brain's introduction of the transformer model in 2017, leading to the development of GPT.

    » 00:17:12 - The evolution of AI in chess: Google DeepMind's AlphaGo beating Stockfish in 2017 after playing itself 44 million games in just four hours.

    » 00:18:03 - The power of AI to advance quickly in tasks, such as playing chess, without any prior knowledge of human strategies.

    » 00:18:36 - AI learns chess in 4 hours and beats the world's best computer with an ELO rating of 3,600

    Modern AI

    » 00:21:12 - Jasper AI raises $125 million on a $1.5 billion valuation in less than 2 years

    » 00:22:48 - ChatGPT reaches 100 million users in just 5 days

    » 00:23:37 - Google's AI response, BERT, falls short compared to ChatGPT

    » 00:24:25 - Microsoft invests $10 billion in OpenAI, gaining 40% control of the company


    » 00:24:58 - ChatGPT capabilities integrated into Bing, increasing market share from 4% to 11%

    » 00:25:46 - Google's AI technology is two years ahead of OpenAI but hasn't been integrated into product suites yet

    » 00:26:55 - ChatGPT 4 is based on 100 trillion neural networks, surpassing ChatGPT 3.5 by a significant margin

    Advancements in just the last 2 weeks - Things moving so fast it’s scary

    » 00:27:54 - GPT-4 in top 10%: Passes bar exams, speaks every language, writes music, and works with images and videos

    » 00:30:01 - OpenAI plugins: Integration with Expedia, Wolfram Alpha, Zapier, Shopify, Instacart, Kayak, and more

    » 00:32:11 - Code interpreter: GPT-4 writes code, potentially reducing the need for developers in the future

    » 00:34:28 - Knowledge base: Create AI-powered chatbots for businesses to answer questions and assist customers

    » 00:36:03 - Multimodal capability: GPT-4 to add voice, video, and image processing features to existing functionality

    » 00:37:00 - AI as a rocket for our minds: The transformative power of AI and how it will change the future of business

    » 00:37:12 - Stability.AI, an open-source platform, announces becoming a true nonprofit organization

    » 00:38:20 - Stability.AI's CEO teases upcoming groundbreaking technology in an interview with Peter Diamandis

    » 00:39:54 - Stanford University releases a language model similar to GPT-3 for only $600

    » 00:41:12 - Nvidia announces an open-source AI platform, including Nemo and Picasso

    » 00:42:07 - Google integrates AI into G-Suite, including Google Docs and Sheets

    » 00:43:20 - Microsoft announces Microsoft 365 Co-pilot with AI integration

    » 00:44:05 - Adobe unveils Firefly, a powerful AI-driven design tool, to compete with Canva

    » 00:45:14 - Unreal Engine democratizes game development with a new drag-and-drop interface

    » 00:45:58 - Midjourney version 5 allows users to create images with natural language prompts

    » 00:46:08 - Wonder Dynamics introduces AI tool to animate and composite CG characters into live-action scenes

    » 00:46:30 - Introduction to Wonder Studio, a 3D rendering and visual effects tool backed by Hollywood giants

    » 00:48:15 - Wonder Dynamics is free for a limited time, offering access to cutting-edge AI video technology

    » 00:49:40 - Matt Wolf's demo of replacing himself in a video using Wonder Dynamics» 00:51:02 - Chat based.co: an all-knowing chat widget specifically for your product

    » 00:52:15 - Latte Social: create social clips from longer videos instantly and add subtitles

    » 00:54:05 - Groove AI's plans to include chatbots, video tools, and other AI features

    » 00:54:45 - Auto GPT-4: an AI tool that strings together language models to achieve specific goals

    » 00:56:20 - Hugging GPT: a powerful open-source AI framework by Microsoft for various AI applications

    What you can do with AI

    » 00:59:48 - Groove.ai consolidates tasks, workflows, and automations into a user-friendly interface for various applications.

    » 01:02:12 - Groove.ai helps you create AI-generated funnels and brand websites, writing copy, choosing images, and laying out pages based on your preferences.

    » 01:04:36 - Mid-journey prompts: a tool for creating more engaging prompts for AI-generated content, enhancing the quality of output.

    » 01:06:40 - Groove.ai's integration with ChatGPT allows for better prompt engineering, providing more specific and effective copywriting results.

    » 01:08:20 - An example of a complex prompt showcases the impressive capabilities of AI-generated content through ChatGPT.

    » 01:09:06 - Introducing Mid Journey, an app for Discord that generates custom art based on prompts

    » 01:11:12 - Discover Glass, a Chrome extension that transcribes and summarizes YouTube videos


    » 01:13:28 - Learn about OpenAI Whisper, which enables voice-to-text and text-to-voice capabilities

    » 01:18:45 - Explore how to use ChatGPT for creating content, including a Shark Tank pitch

    » 01:21:35 - Witness how ChatGPT helped design a website, from the layout to the copy

    » 01:22:24 - Discover the magical prompt for content creation in business

    » 01:25:12 - How AI wrote all promotional materials for Groove.ai

    » 01:29:35 - Cloning voice and body with AI for a unique commercial

    » 01:29:16 - Increasing productivity and reducing stress with AI integration

    » 01:30:30 - Groove.ai lifetime deal and cutting-edge technology for direct marketers

    » 01:31:05 - AI-written headlines and content for case studies

    » 01:32:42 - Revealing the built-in prompt for rewriting emails in your own voice

    » 01:34:10 - AI-written headlines, bullets, and subject lines for the webinar, proving its effectiveness

    Introducing Groove.ai and the backer project to gain access

    » 01:34:45 - Introducing Groove.ai and the backer project to gain access

    Pricing and What You Get

    » 01:34:20 - Pricing options and free API credits for backers

    The Mind Map of the Project!

    » 01:35:40 - Overview of Groove.ai's user interface and features, including chat tabs and a rich text editor

    » 01:36:50 - Keeping some unique features confidential to maintain a competitive edge

    » 01:37:15 - Revealed: A revolutionary app with exclusive features and seamless workflow

    » 01:38:42 - Discover the app's seamless integrations with make.com, Zapier, Scraping Bee, and Groove.CM

    » 01:39:50 - Unveiled: Seamless integration with Unsplash, Pexels, and other image libraries

    » 01:41:10 - Discover: How to overcome collaboration issues in GPT, making teamwork easy and efficient

    » 01:38:35 - Revealed: How Groove.ai allows you to create, clone, and share projects for better organization

    » 01:40:10 - Explore: The game-changing knowledge base and system priming features that will revolutionize content creation

    » 01:41:47 - Uncovered: The secret to getting better output from prompts by leveraging prompt engineering

    » 01:42:18 - Revealed: How to supercharge your writing prompts for better results

    » 01:45:32 - Discover the future of AI-assisted copywriting with Groove AI

    » 01:47:10 - Get ready for pre-trained styles and tones from famous copywriters

    » 01:49:05 - Unveil the Chrome extension that follows you everywhere for seamless integration

    » 01:50:45 - A sneak peek into the user interface and workflow wizards for smooth content creation

    » 01:51:36 - Revealed: A revolutionary way to streamline your content creation process with Google Sheets

    » 01:54:02 - Discover how our platform connects you to multiple AI providers and saves you money

    » 01:56:50 - Introducing the Prompt Store: A marketplace of expertly crafted prompts for better AI output

    » 01:59:10 - Transform your YouTube videos with shorts, clips, and content summaries

    » 02:00:20 - Exciting new marketplace for developers: Create and sell custom AI apps

    » 02:00:54 - Revealed: The ultimate tool that works with every major AI API for endless possibilities

    » 02:03:28 - Get access to incredible pricing and free credits that allow you to write a 1000-word email every day for a century

    The Offer Recap

    » 02:05:46 - Discover the benefits of the "bring your own API" model, with no markups and pay-as-you-go flexibility

    » 02:07:15 - Unveil the multitude of features, including copywriting, content creation, landing pages, chat assistant, Chrome extension, and more

    » 02:09:52 - Learn about the highly anticipated early access to the platform by September 1st

    » 02:11:12 - Join the community of backers now and get a special $100 credit on this webinar only

    Questions and Answers

    » 02:12:12 - Revealed: A powerful tool to check for copyright issues in your content

    » 02:12:40 - Discover how ChatGPT can translate content between languages seamlessly

    » 02:14:15 - Witness AI creating a new language in the style of romance languages

    » 02:16:00 - Learn how to join an exclusive AI community for digital marketing and e-commerce

    » 02:17:30 - Sneak peek: Groove.AI's upcoming features and release date

    » 02:19:10 - Unveiled: A limited time offer for webinar attendees to become Groove.AI backers

    » 02:20:12 - Groove AI: Separate from Groove.CM and competing with other AI companies

    » 02:21:05 - Discover the Apple iPhone app store for AI: A marketplace for AI apps

    » 02:21:48 - Join the affiliate program at Groove.ai/jv and earn 40% commission

    » 02:22:00 - Unveiled: Week-long series of case studies, demos, and livestreams about Groove AI

    » 02:22:25 - Future plans: Copyright checking, spam checking, and AI detection in the app

    » 02:22:36 - How to write a book using Groove AI: The speaker suggests breaking down the book into chunks, priming it with a knowledge base, and setting a dial for how much of your own information to use. Then, you can come up with an outline and talking points, record your voice, and dump it into Groove AI to help you write the book.

    » 02:25:27 - Multiple languages: While the interface of Groove AI will be only in English at the beginning, there are already AI translation platforms that work for SaaS companies that they are looking into, making it possible to skin for other languages later on.

    » 02:26:08 - Agency usage: Groove AI can be used with an agency for multiple clients. The speaker suggests that if you run an agency, you can create as many projects as you want, which can be for all of your clients if you don't buy Groove AI.

    » 02:33:15 - Special offer: The speaker gives a final call to action to go to Groove.ai/slash backer and take advantage of the special offer. You can get access to the Facebook community, own Groove AI for life, and pay wholesale to the API, which costs only 2 to 4 dollars a month on average.

    Become A Backer Today!

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    The Backer Project MindMap

    When the software is released,
    Here are just some things you can do 10 x faster.


    AI is better and faster, so you can say goodbye to writer's block and hello to world-class copy that sells! Groove.ai's copywriting AI uses deep learning to create engaging, high-converting copy in seconds.

    Create types of content 10 x faster:

    Blogs, Articles, Emails, Press Releases, Website Copy, Funnel Copy, Landing page and Webinar Registration pages, Social Media, Advertising, Video Scripts, Freemiums, Reports, Mind Maps, Outlines, Process Maps, Worksheets, Workbooks, and even Books.

    Brand Website Builder:

    Build your brand's online presence in minutes with Groove.ai's intuitive drag-and-drop website. It will build all the pages, copy, images, and title tags, and optimize them for S.E.O. 

    …then, you can even export the pages to GroovePages and Webflow. Say goodbye to the need for a web development, design experience, or copywriter!

    Chatbot Assistant:

    Let Groove.ai integration with ChatGPT help you to create tasks on the go for any project you are working on.

    Landing Page Funnel Builder:

    Build your landing pages and funnels in minutes with Groove.ai's intuitive drag-and-drop funnel builder.

    It will build all the pages, copy and images, title tags, and optimize them for S.E.O. then, you can even export the pages to GroovePages and Webflow.

    Say goodbye to the need for web development, design experience, or even a copywriter! 

    When you’re done, export them to GroovePages in Groove.cm to edit, publish and save. 

    Chrome Extension:

    With our chrome extension, you can extend Groove.ai anywhere you can type. Simply use the Magic Prompt of ##// and enter your wish. When you hit enter, Groove.ai will start writing whatever you requested. 

    This can be used to write copy anywhere, for Subject Lines, inside any marketing emails, or Gmail, or to write a blog with GrooveBlog or Wrodpress, product descriptions, website and funnel copy, bullets, and so much more.

    It’s literally Groove.ai on the go! 

    Create Research Primers:

    By “uploading the conscious of your business, idea, topic, or project," you can give Groove.ai a comprehensive understanding of your company, brand, and goals. 

    You can fill out our intake form or just write about your needs, paste text, give a website URL to research, an RSS feed, a youtube URL, an audio file, and more.

    This information will then be used to tailor the outputs to your specific needs to use over and over.= for unlimited compositions. 

    Preset Prompt Engineering:

    Groove.ai will do this for you. You will have a drop-down to choose “pre-seasoned” and “Par-baked” prompts in the background for things like style and tone of voice. 

    We can choose from SEO, direct response, profession, etc. Some will focus on conversion and SEO, while others will be educational.

    This is what will separate us from the boring and formal ChatGPT.

    Use Writing Styles:

    For Bloggers, copywriters, or Direct Response Copywriters, you can write in the style of Seth Godin or Neil Patel for your blog.

    Or, for your emails, you can write in the style of Gary Bencivenga, Clayton Makepeace, Dan Kennedy, or Frank Kern. You can even blend styles

    Clone Your Writing Styles:

    Feed our engine your writing style via blog URLs, or paste text from a word doc.

    And then everything you write from here will be in your own voice if you choose that from the drop-down of styles.

    Train New Styles:

    Don’t see a style you like. Simply feed our engine your writing style via blog URLs, or paste text from a word doc from anyone on the web, and then everything you write from here will be in the style that you trained it.


    With Groove.ai, you can collaborate with other writers and share your work with your team. Whether you need to work on a project together or get feedback on your writing, Groobe.ai makes it easy to collaborate and get the job done.


    Don’t find the task or workflow for your needs. Check the marketplace where others are extending our platform with powerful AI tools.

    Like how iOS, Android, WordPress, Google Chrome, and Shopify are better because of their marketplace that extends the values of their technology, Groove.ai will allow AI developers to market their apps in our marketplace.

    They may be free, one-time price, recurring, shared only with users of a community, or used as a private extension for a company. We will extend our UI kit to allow anyone to connect to AI APIs easily.


    Developers will love this because they will have their own pages in our marketplace with buy buttons to their stripe account, where they keep 80% of all sales through their Stripe account. No need to create a SaaS business and deal with marketing.

    Let Groove.ai’s marketing place find you all the customers you need. It’s like being in the AppStore for an iPhone developer.

    Content Summary:

    Upload any audio or video and easily transcribe meetings or videos from multiple sources, including video-conferencing apps, dialers, and audio files.

    Review a 1-hour meeting in just 5 minutes! With just one click, get quick access to your meeting's action items, tasks, questions, and other key metrics. Get summaries and Tl;dr at your fingertips. And search the text of every meeting in your company with ease.

    Image and Art:

    With Groove.ai, digital marketers can quickly and easily generate high-quality images and graphics for their campaigns without needing a professional designer, saving time and money. Additionally, AI-generated images can be tailored to specific audiences and demographics, helping to increase engagement and conversion rates.

    Video, Music, Coding, and more:

    Groove.ai will have the latest in text-to-video and even music generation. It will even allow you to develop HTML, CSS, javascript, or any code you need with a text prompt. And it will even be able to debug any code you have by just asking what's wrong and pasting in your code.


    Groove.ai will integrate with Make.com (formerly Integromat,) Zapier, Pabbly, Integratley, and more. This will allow you to extend our AI tasks and workflows to anything.

    This will help to explode your business in ways you never thought possible!

    More power with Multiple AI APIs:

    Unlike companies like Jasper.ai, Groove.ai is not locked into only OpenAI’s AI API. 

    Although they are the talk of the town with Dall-E for images, Whisper for Voice to Text and Text to Voicel, GPT-3, and soon GPT- 4 for tasks and content, Recently, Google just announced their API, and… the AI wars are on!

    But will even integrate with Stability.ai- which backs MidJourney, Steamship, and Movio.

    This will allow us to be more expansive and flexible than the competition while offering a no-compromise solution.

    Wholesale Pricing for AI:

    You read that right. With Groove.ai we don’t charge you for AI.

    Instead, you connect your free-to-get API’s with companies like Google, OpenAI, StabilityAI, and more.

    This means you don’t pay monthly for AI you're not using. And since you're paying directly to the source and not us, you’re saving 3x to 6x the retail markup from companies like Jasper.ai

    And if you don’t want to use your own API, you can buy tokens direct from us at huge discount rates compared to the other guys. And with Groove.ai, you only pay for what you use.

    The other guys charge you for monthly tokens even if you don’t use them, and they don’t offer rollover credits.

    Groove.ai can save you thousands per year compared to the other leading AI companies.

    Our Price:

    When we launch later this year, it will cost $99 a month to access our platform or $997 /yr.

    But right now, you can get Lifetime Access to Groove.ai when it comes out for just a One-Time Payment of $897 when you back this project. (Or just 2 payments of just $497.)

    Paid members of Groove.cm also get $100 free AI credits. 


    Paying for ChatGPT, Jasper, Mdjourney, and all the others will cost you over $6,000 annually. Groove is a One-Time payment and then wholesale for all your AI needs for life. You can’t beach that!

    What about ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT is not the solution. First, you need to be an expert in Prompt Engineering to get results that will not bore your readers and convert well. 

    Plus, ChatGPT is very slow. It's unreliable in peak times, and they limit you to hourly requests and a fixed number of daily requests.

    ChatGPT has a horrible UI. You can’t organize your conversations into categories and subcategories. It's hard to find past work. It has no search feature. 

    You can’t share your work. You can’t export your work, And worst of all, it's no good with teams. In fact, it is impossible to share your work with a team because you have to give up your personal email address.

    While ChatGPT is good. It’s just not meant for working with your team.

    When do Backers get Early Access:

    We expect to grant access to backer’s by September 1st. We expect to complete all functions by the first quarter of 2024. At that time, we will open to the public at retail prices. 

    Become A Backer Today!

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    The Backer Project MindMap

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